[Eril-l] FOLIO Forum January 17: Introduction to FOLIO APIs - What's the Buzz?

Hartnett, Eric J ehartnett at library.tamu.edu
Thu Jan 11 15:15:09 PST 2018

Please join us at the next FOLIO Forum Wednesday, January 17th.


Event: Introduction to FOLIO APIs - What's the Buzz?
Time: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 11:00AM EST / 1600 GMT<https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=FOLIO+Forum&iso=20170315T15&p1=1440&ah=1&am=30>
Registration Here<https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nvj22tEbQVaMEmVjtwGM7g>

Many resources have APIs that libraries can take advantage of that would improve the services that they provide to patrons. However, making use of these APIs can be a little intimidating for those unacquainted with how they work. This forum will attempt to demystify APIs by providing an overview before delving into some examples including a look at how APIs are being using in FOLIO's development.

Beth German, Texas A&M
James Creel, Texas A&M

Please use the hashtag #FOLIOforum on social media for these events.

The Open Library Community Forum is sponsored by OLE<https://www.openlibraryenvironment.org> (Open Library Environment) and is governed by the OLE Code of Conduct<https://www.openlibraryenvironment.org/?page_id=76>.

A recording of this Forum will be made available on the OLE<https://www.openlibraryenvironment.org> website.

Eric Hartnett
Director of Electronic Resources
Texas A&M University Libraries
(979) 845.0797

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