[Eril-l] Collaborating Ebooks Collections: ALA Midwinter session of the Collection Development Librarians of Academic Libraries IG (ALCTS CMS)

Beth Bernhardt brbernha at uncg.edu
Wed Jan 10 12:52:59 PST 2018

Please join the Collection Development Librarians of Academic Libraries IG
(ALCTS CMS) at ALA Midwinter for the session “Collaborating Ebooks
Collections: Lessons Learned & Best Practices.”

Many librarians work with consortia and third party content suppliers to
acquire ebooks through collaboration. Collaboration often means arriving at
compromise both among members and among the collaborating partners. Come
listen to a panel of speakers representing members of the Orbis Cascade
Alliance and PALCI discuss their consortia initiatives and review how
collaborations came together, the lessons learned, and next steps for the


Serin Anderson, Collections and Budget Coordinator, University of
Washington Tacoma

Jill Emery, Collection Development & Management Librarian, Portland State

Jill Morris, Associate Director, PALCI

Where:  Hyatt, Centennial F

When: Saturday, February 10, 2018

Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm

Add the session to your schedule.

Beth Bernhardt and Ann Roll, Co-chairs, Collection Development Librarians
of Academic Libraries IG

Beth R. Bernhardt
Assistant Dean for Collection Management and Scholarly Communications
University Libraries
University of North Carolina Greensboro
PO Box 26170
Greensboro, NC 27402
[image: FullName UNCG Logo combined with 125th mark]
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