[Eril-l] Annual Reviews and EzProxy trouble

Trisha Burr tburr at macalester.edu
Wed Aug 15 13:59:14 PDT 2018

Has anyone else experienced trouble with accessing Annual Reviews through
the EzProxy?

On campus works fine for us and I can't seem to figure out why folks going
through the EzProxy get this result:

m ��5��^N��M�fA K ��2 GT� �-�lٰ84�)2;{�z�m�. �U�l � HpU(�De�u�_ #&��:(�S!
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N\�@�� 5Q@ �J�혨�!��@�� �> ~��� oa 0 $� ��m�>��X��� etc. etc. etc.

Has anyone else experienced this?
Thank you,


Trisha Burr

Electronic Resources Librarian

DeWitt Wallace Library

651-696-6749 | tburr at macalester.edu

1600 Grand Avenue

Saint Paul, MN 55105 USA

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