[Eril-l] Interview Invitation: Work-Life Balance

Wentz, Erin erin.wentz at mcphs.edu
Fri Nov 24 20:00:48 PST 2017

Forwarding on behalf of a colleague:

"Seeking participants for a research project. The purpose of this study is to explore the lived experiences of Black women faculty in balancing their work and life roles. Your insights would contribute to research in work-life balance, particularly for Black women faculty.

Eligibility criteria
Self-identification as a Black or African-American woman
Full-time faculty member/administrator with a faculty appointment at a Predominantly White Institution (defined as an institution of higher education that reports an enrollment of 50% or more White students) [in the U.S.]

As a study participant, you would take part in an interview through Skype or face-to-face lasting approximately 30-60 minutes. Participation in this research is voluntary and participant information will be kept confidential.

If you would like to participate, or if you have any questions about the research, please contact [. . .]:
Carly Levy, candidate, Doctor of Health Sciences
carly.levy at mcphs.edu<mailto:carly.levy at mcphs.edu>

If you have any questions about your rights as a participant in research, please contact:
Dr. Kenneth Richman, Chair of the MCPHS Institutional Review Board
kenneth.richman at mcphs.edu<mailto:carly.levy at mcphs.edu> "

Thank you,


ErinWentz, MSLIS
Electronic Resources Librarian, Assistant Professor
Library and Learning Resources
MCPHS University
179 Longwood Avenue | BostonMA02115
T 617.732.2810F 617.278.1566
erin.wentz at mcphs.edu
MCPHS University
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