[Eril-l] Discovery Comparison

Ramune Kubilius r-kubilius at northwestern.edu
Tue Nov 21 11:40:41 PST 2017

It seems what you might want to look for is a desired features checklist, an update to this 2012 article…


Ramune Kubilius
Galter Health Sciences Library
Northwestern University

From: Eril-l [mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org] On Behalf Of Melissa Belvadi
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 10:58 AM
To: Eduardo Gil <gile at mail.montclair.edu>
Cc: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Discovery Comparison

I saw at a conference an attempt at such a comparison but found it worthless because, as others have noted, some discovery services, especially EBSCO's, is very highly customizable as to content as well as even some relevance features, and the particular study I saw presented made vastly different judgments than we do about the content. We're a "everything plus the kitchen sink" type of profile for our main profile, and they were a "locked down to only what content we have licensed" and that makes a huge difference.  Also EBSCO's discovery service is tightly integrated with EBSCO subscriptions in terms of full text linkages, as well as EBSCOhost databases for content, so you have a totally different search experience if you use someone else as your main database platform for third party databases like PsycINFO (eg Gale or Proquest) or someone else as your subscription agent.

Melissa Belvadi
Collections Librarian
University of Prince Edward Island
mbelvadi at upei.ca<mailto:mbelvadi at upei.ca> 902-566-0581
my public calendar<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.google.com_calendar_embed-3Fsrc-3Dmbelvadi-2540upei.ca-26ctz-3DAmerica_Halifax-26mode-3Dweek&d=DwMFaQ&c=yHlS04HhBraes5BQ9ueu5zKhE7rtNXt_d012z2PA6ws&r=DSGlYAMbckjvuF42p75AdcSjjoG5rBmfSF5Fje8wm0A&m=EudYPepwRdamylQCez3DP_9xWTwKHdyniGAZy6Zqv5A&s=N2KVon5BuhZ7eFKAs0A3rehdz8n9tdZmbEYDhZm33mQ&e=>

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 12:27 PM, Eduardo Gil <gile at mail.montclair.edu<mailto:gile at mail.montclair.edu>> wrote:

I would also like to know the results and suggestions.

Thank you all


On 11/17/2017 1:24 PM, Bonnie Powers wrote:
Good afternoon-

Has anyone conducted a comprehensive comparison of search results from OCLC Discovery and EDS? Looking for both insight from any such testing as well as guidance on how to go about comparing the two. We are a WMS library currently using Discovery only.


Bonnie Powers
Content Services Librarian
Shadek-Fackenthal Library
bonnie.powers at fandm.edu <mailto:bonnie.powers at fandm.edu>

Franklin & Marshall College
P.O. Box 3003
Lancaster, PA 17604-30


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Eduardo Gil

Head of the Periodicals Department

Harry A. Sprague Library

(973) 655-5286<tel:(973)%20655-5286>

gile at mail.montclair.edu@mail.montclair.edu<mailto:gile at mail.montclair.edu@mail.montclair.edu>

It's all here. Montclair State University.

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