[Eril-l] Call for Proposals: 2017 Annual CRS Standards Forum

Tina Herman Buck tinabuck at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 13:48:30 PST 2017


The ALCTS Continuing Resources Section -- Standards Committee
<http://www.ala.org/alcts/mgrps/crs/cmtes/ats-sersss> is seeking forum
speakers at the upcoming 2017 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. The forum
will take place Sunday, June 25 from 10:30 -11:30 am (room TBD).

We are seeking proposals for presentations on the topic of streaming
video/media. Potential topics include (but are not limited to) library
standards, acquisitions, cataloging, usage statistics, workflows, etc. Time
for Q&A will be built into the session.

Please submit your proposals <http://tinyurl.com/hvqqrmq> by April 7, 2017
for best consideration. Speakers will be selected and notified by the end
of April.

Questions? Email Bonnie Parks <parks at up.edu>.

Thank you!



Tina Herman Buck

Electronic Resources Librarian

University of Central Florida Libraries

P.O. Box 162666

Orlando, FL 32816-2666

Phone: 407-823-0448 <(407)%20823-0448>

Fax: 407-823-6289 <(407)%20823-6289>

Tina.Buck at ucf.edu
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