[Eril-l] NISO Annouces Updated Version of ResourceSync Framework Specification

NISO Announce niso-announce at niso.org
Thu Feb 16 13:18:20 PST 2017

Baltimore, MD - February 16, 2017 - The National Information Standards
Organization (NISO) is pleased to announce the formal publication of an
updated version of the ResourceSync Framework Specification (ANSI/NISO
Z39.99-2017) <http://www.niso.org/standards/z39-99-2017/>. Approved by the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), this 1.1 revision improves a
web standard that details various capabilities that a server can implement
to allow third-party systems to remain synchronized with evolving
resources. Such synchronization is important in the current landscape where
Web-based content-not only the metadata about the content-is constantly

ResourceSync was first published as ANSI/NISO Z39.99 in 2014. The standard,
also known as the ResourceSync "core" specification, offers a range of
easy-to-implement capabilities that a server may support in order to enable
remote systems to remain more tightly in step with its evolving resources.
It also describes how a server should advertise the facilities it supports,
and presents plentiful examples and use cases that offer guidance for
implementation. The recent revisions to the standard, which is pull-based,
reflect changes to fix problems related to the conflation of last
modification date of a resource and the datetime of notification of a
change to the resource.

"Web resources and collections of web resources are continually evolving
and, in many cases, applications that want to leverage these resources need
to be confident that the data they use is the most up-to-date available,"
says Herbert Van de Sompel, Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory, OAI
Executive, and Co-chair of the ResourceSync Working Group. "Our revision to
the ResourceSync core specification strengthens a standard that addresses a
core need for resource discovery and synchronization across different
systems in domains such as scholarly communication, cultural heritage, and
education. ResourceSync is very modular in design and is based on the HTTP
and Sitemap protocols to ensure easy uptake in many applications,
including-but not limited to-timely sharing data from different types of
repositories. Also, associated optional specifications provide extensions
to the ANSI/NISO ResourceSync core. These include specifications to support
archives of synchronization information and push-based change notification."

"One of NISO's core functions is keeping our standards reliable and up to
date," explains NISO Executive Director Todd Carpenter. "We're grateful to
the ResourceSync working group whose efforts make this publication more
valuable to those whose work relies on seamless updating of information.
NISO also strives to create guidelines that are adaptable at various levels
and for various needs. ResourceSync's modular capabilities can be
customized for specific local or community requirements, making them useful
for the range of institutions that use our standards."

The ResourceSync specification and video tutorials on using the ANSI/NISO
Z39.99-2017 standard are available on the NISO website at

*About NISO*
NISO, based in Baltimore, Maryland, fosters the development and maintenance
of standards that facilitate the creation, persistent management, and
effective interchange of information so that it can be trusted for use in
research and learning. To fulfill this mission, NISO engages libraries,
publishers, information aggregators, and other organizations that support
learning, research, and scholarship through the creation, organization,
management, and curation of knowledge. NISO works with intersecting
communities of interest and across the entire lifecycle of information
standards. NISO is a not-for-profit association accredited by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI). For more information, visit the NISO
website <http://www.niso.org>.

*About OAI*
The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) <http://www.openarchives.org/> develops
and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the
efficient dissemination of content. The Open Archives Initiative has its
roots in an effort to enhance access to e-print archives as a means of
increasing the availability of scholarly communication. Continued support
of this work remains a cornerstone of the Open Archives program. OAI is
committed to exploring and enabling the fundamental technological framework
and standards to open up access to a range of digital materials.
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