[Eril-l] Next FOLIOForum: Sept. 7: Participation Channels in FOLIO - How to Engage

Kristin Martin kmarti at uchicago.edu
Thu Sep 1 11:56:07 PDT 2016

FOLIOForum Announcement - 2016-09-07

Event: Participation Channels in FOLIO - How to Engage

Time: Wednesday, September 7th, 2016 at 11:00AM EDT / 1500GMT

Register Here: https://olf.webex.com/olf/onstage/g.php?MTID=e90cdc18bfd194e25d41873aef8209c27

[Cat cartoon by B. Kliban]


Are you wondering how to participate in FOLIO? Having trouble figuring out where and how to engage? Never used Discuss? What is Slack? How do I get accounts?

Our next FOLIO Forum will discuss the FOLIO communication channels, what they are used for, how to join, and what you can expect on each channel. In a large, international and distributed project like FOLIO, we need many ways to support conversation, debate, synthesis, aggregation, understanding, consensus, and codification. We are still young in the FOLIO community's experience, but are borrowing ideas from other projects. We are using Slack, Discourse, Confluence, WebEx, Google Docs, GitHub, WordPress, and Jira - all coming online to support our engagement and interaction needs. We will give you a guide to navigate our websites and communications channels and provide basic primers on the purpose and level of engagement on each. After our presentation, we will have a Q&A session.


*         Peter Murray, Open Source Community Advocate at Index Data

*         Michael Winkler, Managing Director (and cat herder) at OLE

Kristin E. Martin
Electronic Resources Management Librarian
The University of Chicago Library
1100 E. 57th Street - JRL 170
Chicago, IL 60637
kmarti at uchicago.edu

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