[Eril-l] Call for Proposals : ALCTS Electronic Resources Interest Group at ALA Annual 2016

Martin Knott amuro at umich.edu
Thu May 5 09:44:03 PDT 2016

Resending to fix the error in the previous message. This call is for the
Annual Conference in Orlando, not Midwinter. Sorry for the confusion.

The ALCTS Electronic Resources Interest Group is seeking proposals for
speakers at the 2016 ALA Annual Conference meeting.  The meeting is
scheduled for Saturday, June 25, 1:00 – 2:30 PM in the Orange County
Convention Center, Room W105A.

Each speaker will be allotted time for their presentation followed by
questions and group discussion. All topics related to electronic resources
are welcomed. Proposed topics may include but are not limited to:

Experiences with negotiating text data mining rights
Using evidence based acquisitions programs
Assessment of electronic resource usage
User engagement with electronic resources
Licensing and delivering video and audio streaming rights
Collaborating with peer institutions to acquire and deliver electronic

If you are interested in presenting to ERIG, please send a brief
description of your proposed presentation to the interest group chairs,
Martin Knott (amuro at umich.edu) and George Stachokas (
george.stachokas at auburn.edu) by May 16, 2016 and presenters will be
selected by May 20, 2016.  Please be sure to include the following
information with your proposal:
Presentation Title
Contact Information


Martin L. Knott
University of Michigan Library
Head, Electronic Resources and Database Management Section
(734) 763-9529
amuro at umich.edu

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 12:17 PM, Martin Knott <amuro at umich.edu> wrote:

> The ALCTS Electronic Resources Interest Group is seeking proposals for
> speakers at the 2016 ALA Midwinter Conference meeting.  The meeting is
> scheduled for Saturday, June 25, 1:00 – 2:30 PM in the Orange County
> Convention Center, Room W105A.
> Each speaker will be allotted time for their presentation followed by
> questions and group discussion. All topics related to electronic resources
> are welcomed. Proposed topics may include but are not limited to:
> Experiences with negotiating text data mining rights
> Using evidence based acquisitions programs
> Assessment of electronic resource usage
> User engagement with electronic resources
> Licensing and delivering video and audio streaming rights
> Collaborating with peer institutions to acquire and deliver electronic
> resources
> If you are interested in presenting to ERIG, please send a brief
> description of your proposed presentation to the interest group chairs,
> Martin Knott (amuro at umich.edu) and George Stachokas (
> george.stachokas at auburn.edu) by May 16, 2016 and presenters will be
> selected by May 20, 2016.  Please be sure to include the following
> information with your proposal:
> Presentation Title
> Name
> Title/Position
> Institution
> Contact Information
> mlk
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Martin L. Knott
> University of Michigan Library
> Head, Electronic Resources and Database Management Section
> (734) 763-9529
> amuro at umich.edu
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