[Eril-l] Call for proposals - extended - ALCTS CRS Holdings Information Committee Annual forum

Tim Hagan t-hagan at northwestern.edu
Mon May 2 05:02:30 PDT 2016

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We are looking for proposals about managing holdings in discovery layers. If you have something to say about matters related to holdings information in your library, we're interested in hearing about it at ALA Annual in Orlando.
 The ALCTS CRS Committee on Holdings Information seeks to address and study matters related to holdings information in all formats, with special attention to standards, use, and functionality in the exchange and use of holdings information in and among systems. The committee's interests include the application of holdings information wherever it appears, including local catalogs, group catalogs, and union catalogs. If you have a proposal for a related topic and would like to share that topic at ALA Annual, please share your idea.
 Submit your topic and brief description (150 words max) to Shelley Almgren, CRS Committee on Holdings Information, Chair,  salmgren at txwes.edu<mailto:salmgren at txwes.edu>  Deadline is Monday, May 9th.
 On Behalf of CRS-Holdings Committee,

Tim Hagan
Electronic Resources Librarian
Northwestern University Libraries
Northwestern University
1970 Campus Dr.
Evanston, IL 60208
t-hagan at northwestern.edu<mailto:t-hagan at northwestern.edu>

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