[Eril-l] LyndaCampus (lynda.com) and EZProxy

Smith, Risë Rise.Smith at dsu.edu
Thu Mar 17 06:50:29 PDT 2016

Has anyone else who uses EZProxy (software loaded locally, not hosted) for off-campus authentication had trouble playing videos in LyndaCampus from off-campus locations in the past month? And, more importantly, have you found a solution?  Since it was reported to us by a student around March 3, we have not been able to solve the problem.

Login through EZProxy and into Lynda works fine. Our off-campus users do a double login to get access to LyndaCampus. They first login through EZProxy. Then they enter their personal Lynda login credentials  to arrive at the Lynda interface. The login procedures are all working, and users can get into LyndaCampus. However, once a video has been selected on the Lynda site, it will not play.

It seems to be trying to load (spinning wheel on the video screen) but never does load.

In the past when videos would not play, the situation has been solved by having users changing video play options in Site Preferences OR by us getting a revised database stanza from Lynda.com to replace what we had in our config file in EZProxy for Lynda.

Prior to the problem, we were using this stanza successfully:

Option NoHttpsHyphens
Title   Lynda.com
URL     http://iplogin.lynda.com
Host    iplogin.lynda.com
Host    www.lynda.com<http://www.lynda.com>
DJ      lynda.com
Option HttpsHyphens

HTTPHeader X-Requested-With

Option IgnoreWildcardCertificate

I worked with Lynda.com support a few days  then was told to contact OCLC for EZProxy support. None of the stanza suggestions from either vendor have worked.

Lynda support, after first saying the stanza looked correct, did later suggest adding  HTTPHeader Access-Control-Allow-*, but the following stanza also failed to allow video playback.

Option NoHttpsHyphens

Title   Lynda.com

URL     http://iplogin.lynda.com

Host    iplogin.lynda.com

Host    www.lynda.com<http://www.lynda.com>

DJ      lynda.com

Option HttpsHyphens

HTTPHeader X-Requested-With

HTTPHeader Access-Control-Allow-*

Option IgnoreWildcardCertificate

OCLC recommended this stanza, adding Control-Allow-*).

HTTPHeader X-Requested-With

HTTPHeader Access-Control-Allow-*

ProxyHostnameEdit ^lynda.com$ lyndacom

ProxyHostnameEdit .lynda.com$ lyndacom

Option NoHttpsHyphens

Title Lynda.com

URL http://iplogin.lynda.com

URL https://iplogin.lynda.com

URL http://lynda.com/page/ajaxedfooter

URL https://lynda.com/page/ajaxedfooter

Host iplogin.lynda.com

Host www.lynda.com<http://www.lynda.com>

DJ  lynda.com

NeverProxy cdn.lynda.com

Option HttpsHyphens

None of these stanzas have solved the problem.  Thanks for any suggestions you might provide!


Risë L. Smith
Digital Design & Access Librarian / Professor
Karl E. Mundt Library & Learning Commons
Dakota State University
820 N Washington Ave
Madison, SD 57042-1799

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