[Eril-l] LexisNexis Academic>Saved Searches and Custom Search Widget

Holman, Jenifer jholman at uwlax.edu
Sun Jan 24 13:47:08 PST 2016

Hello -

I originally sent this message to the LexisNexis Academic list, but it
seems to be no longer functioning.

I cannot seem to figure out how to save a search in LexisNexis Academic -
is that capability available?  Also, we are interested in using the search
widgets at:


if they can be customized to input a specific source and date range.  If
anyone has working configurations and is willing to share, I would be most

Jen Holman
Jenifer Holman
Electronic Resources/Periodicals Librarian
Murphy Library
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
1631 Pine St.
La Crosse, WI 54601

phone: 608-785-8395 | fax: 608-785-8639
email: jholman at uwlax.edu
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