[Eril-l] Serials Solutions 360 Link vs WMS Discovery

Brunelle, Mary H. (Library) mbrunelle at assumption.edu
Wed Feb 24 06:31:43 PST 2016

Assumption College uses 360 Link 2.0 and WorldCat Discovery.  We only use WorldCat Discovery because it is free with our OCLC cataloging subscription, so we are just testing it out (though it is the prominent search box on our homepage).  360 Link works fine in WorldCat Discovery.  The only difficulty is when people report a bad link—sometimes it is difficult to figure out if the problem is for ProQuest (link resolver), OCLC (citation data), or vendor (citation data).

The other thing to consider is that we have to maintain two knowledge bases.  Every change we make to the Serials Solutions knowledge base for our A-Z journal list and link resolver has to be duplicated in the OCLC knowledge base, which powers WorldCat Discovery.  (To be clear, we use WorldCat Discovery as a full discovery layer for books, e-books, articles, etc.  You can use WorldCat Discovery just as a replacement for WorldCat FirstSearch to find books outside your library, but I do not think that is what you are asking.)

We are OK with this set-up for now, but in the near future we will have to decide whether to dump 360 Link.  If we go with WMS, obviously we would dump 360 Link and use all OCLC systems.

Mary Brunelle
Assumption College

From: Katherine Hill [mailto:kmhill6 at uncg.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 12:37 PM
To: Bryden, David
Cc: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Serials Solutions 360 Link vs WMS Discovery

Hi all,
I am from UNCG (the previously mentioned library).  In terms of link resolving, we find that OCLC works pretty well, though I have a few more problems with it than I did using Serial Solutions at a previous job.  But I have not noticed a seriously worse performance.  Feel free to contact me off list if you want to talk more!

Kate Hill
Electronic Resources and Distance Education Librarian
University of North Carolina at Greensboro Libraries
Email: kmhill6 at uncg.edu<mailto:kmhill6 at uncg.edu>
Phone: 1-336-334-4300

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 12:33 PM, Bryden, David <dbryden at highpoint.edu<mailto:dbryden at highpoint.edu>> wrote:
HPU has been with WMS since 2011. We do like the "discoverability" of all of that content. It also works well with Ezproxy and with Illiad. We could not afford to pay for both an OPAC and a discovery tool and that was part of the reason that we went with OCLC. We do use the A to Z list for discovering serial content within the catalog search but we still keep a URL linker and journal listing source called Journal Finder (very reasonable in cost). Part of our reason to continue to use JF was because we are in the middle of several accreditation applications and having a source that gives us easily retrievable serial information is important.

A local University (UNCG - Jackson library) in Greensboro, uses the WMS A to Z list and if you would like to see what that looks like you could google the site and take a look.

David L. Bryden
Director of Library Services
High Point University
One University Parkway
High Point, NC 27268

From: Eril-l [eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org>] on behalf of Laura Woike [lwoike at stchlibrary.org<mailto:lwoike at stchlibrary.org>]
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 11:43 AM
To: Ken Siegert
Cc: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>
Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Serials Solutions 360 Link vs WMS Discovery

I am also interested in this. I am a new electronic resources librarian in a newly created position, although I have worked in my library for six years. We have used Serials Solutions for several years, but people have found it frustrating. Several of us attended an OCLC Member Forum last fall and were intrigued with what we heard about WMS.


Laura Woike
Electronic Resources Librarian
St. Charles City-County Library District
77 Boone Hills Drive
PO Box 529
St. Peters, MO 63376

Phone (636) 441-2300 x1568<tel:%28636%29%20441-2300%20%20x1568>
Fax (636) 441-3132<tel:%28636%29%20441-3132>


 “The opinions expressed are personal and not those of the St. Charles City-County Library District”

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 9:42 AM, Ken Siegert <ken.siegert at fandm.edu<mailto:ken.siegert at fandm.edu><mailto:ken.siegert at fandm.edu<mailto:ken.siegert at fandm.edu>>> wrote:
Has anyone out there signed up with OCLC WMS Discovery, and decided to drop Serials Solutions 360 Link (or any other link resolver)? Or decided to keep both? In either case, what were the pros & cons?

Thank you,



Ken Siegert

E-Resources, Serials & Metadata Specialist

Shadek-Fackenthal Library, Room 011

ken.siegert at fandm.edu<mailto:ken.siegert at fandm.edu><mailto:ken.siegert at fandm.edu<mailto:ken.siegert at fandm.edu>> | 717-291-4219<tel:717-291-4219>

Franklin & Marshall College

Shadek-Fackenthal Library

P.O. Box 3003

Lancaster, PA 17604-3003

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