[Eril-l] Call for Ideas/Proposals - Problem Solved! column in Serials Review

Smith, Kelly Kelly.Smith2 at eku.edu
Fri Feb 26 11:27:53 PST 2016

Good afternoon, everyone,

Serials Review's "Problem Solved!" column offers practical "how we did it well" case studies about a particular workflow challenge or other operational problem commonly faced by serials and eResources librarians. As Column Editor, I'd like to (1) find out what topics the ERIL community would like to read about in such a column, and (2) solicit proposals from those of you who feel you have solved a problem would be interested in contributing to a future column.

Instead of replying to the list, here's a quick survey for you to share your thoughts: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1f6VtoxCTNr3jc_ymPnMNgyRkL7JCNoVlAHCJIISwpcE/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link

I'll leave this survey open for a couple of weeks, and then I can share the information I collected with the list. So let me know what you think. And thanks!

Kelly Smith
"Problem Solved!" Column Editor, Serials Review
Coordinator of Collections and Discovery
Eastern Kentucky University Libraries
kelly.smith2 at eku.edu<mailto:kelly.smith2 at eku.edu> | research guides<http://libguides.eku.edu/prf.php?account_id=300>

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