[Eril-l] Frequency of Statistics Gathering

Krista Jacobson kjacobson at nwhealth.edu
Fri Feb 26 07:47:42 PST 2016

This question probably has a "whatever works for your library" answer but my director and I were wondering how often other libraries compile usage statistics on the journals they subscribe to.  
Do you do it monthly, quarterly or annually?  How many months do you compile at a time?

Do you go directly to the publisher's admin section or do you use an aggregator?  
Feel free to e-mail me off-list if you'd feel more comfortable.
Thank you!

Krista Jacobson 
Public Services Librarian
Greenawalt Library
Northwestern Health Sciences University
2501 W. 84th St., Bloomington, MN 55431
P 952.885.5463  
x 463 (internal) 
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