[Eril-l] Deadline extended - Call for Proposals: NC Serials Conference 2017

Kendall McKenzie kendall.mckenzie at dukeupress.edu
Thu Dec 15 11:58:29 PST 2016

**With apologies for cross-posting**


We are pleased to announce that the 26th Annual North Carolina Serials
Conference will be held on Friday, March 31, 2017 at The William and Ida
Friday Center for Continuing Education in Chapel Hill.


The Planning Committee is currently accepting proposals for presentations
that reflect the 2017 conference theme:  Being Data-Informed: Taking Control
and Connecting Users to Content. 


The Web does not just connect machines, it connects people. - Tim


Libraries offer a rich array of physical and electronic resources, and we
can access an enormous variety of data related to all aspects of their
management.  How can we best utilize data to help our users connect more
effectively to the information future? What can we learn from analyzing best
practices? How can we leverage data to make our processes more efficient and
secure while offering our users the most targeted and timeliest access? How
will we chart our future course through the complexities of serials and
electronic resources to guide our users forward? How can data help to ensure
more robust connections across the information supply chain?


Proposals may address any related aspect of the serials industry or serials
management and may be submitted by any member of the serials profession
including publishers, vendors, librarians, staff, and students.
Proposals should be submitted using the form via the URL below. The new
deadline for submissions is Friday, December 23, 2016.



Proposals will require the following information:
1. Contact details (including your name, mailing address, telephone number,
and email address)
2. A short (50 words or less) biographical description for each speaker
3. Presentation title
4. An abstract (approximately 100 words) 
5. Type of Program

*         Presentation

*         Panel Discussion

*         Hands-on Workshop

*         Lightning Talk

*         Other (please provide details)

6. Estimate of time required to present topic 

Please note: Presenters' registration expenses will be waived. 
The Planning Committee will review all proposals for their content,
timeliness, relevance, and fit with the overall Conference content. The
Committee reserves the right to refocus or combine proposals as needed (with
notice) to reach a diverse audience and to maximize use of program time


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