[Eril-l] FW: Advertising new electronic resources

Scanlon, Donna dscanlon at loc.gov
Fri Sep 11 11:04:25 PDT 2015

{apologies for duplication, I realized that I may have only sent this to the last responder}

Hi All,

Elyssa – great question.

Here at LC we have our E-Resources Online Catalog<http://eresources.loc.gov/> that is accessible on/off-site (subscription resources can only be accessed on-site, but you can see what we have).  There is a link for trials<http://eresources.loc.gov/search~S9/m?SEARCH=Trial+Database> on the catalog page that lists all trials currently available.

Additionally we do a weekly newsletter (of sorts) that let staff know about new resources acquired, new trials, reminders about expiring trials, training sessions that may be coming up, and updates to existing resources (e.g., new platform, new content, etc.).

We have recently started to open up the on-site training sessions to patrons.  Information on the training sessions are sent out through our Patron Services RSS feed or via email.  These have had a terrific response – far exceeding our expectations.  We are hoping to expand the use of the Patron Services notifications to include new resources and trials.

Looking forward to seeing what others are doing!


Donna Scanlon, Electronic Resources Coordinator
Collection Development Office | Library of Congress
Ph: (202) 707-6235 | Email:  dscanlon at loc.gov<mailto:dscanlon at loc.gov>

Hi All,
Some of the ways we get the word out here at SJSU --

We have moved to LibGuides 2 for our A-Z List<http://libguides.sjsu.edu/az.php>, and there's a section that includes new and trial resources.  We post to our Social Media (Twitter, Facebook).  We have a spotlight for news/events/exhibits on our home page<http://library.sjsu.edu/>.  Our liaisons also let their faculty know.

Christine Holmes, MLIS
Electronic Resources Coordinator

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Library
San Jose State University
One Washington Square
San Jose, CA 95192-0028
Tel:  (408) 808-2027
Email:  Christine.Holmes at sjsu.edu<mailto:Christine.Holmes at sjsu.edu>
URL:  http://libguides.sjsu.edu/prf.php?account_id=41839<http://libguides.sjsu.edu/profile.php?uid=14698>

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Holzapfel, Arabella <holzapfe at middlebury.edu<mailto:holzapfe at middlebury.edu>> wrote:
Hi Elyssa and ERIL-Lers,
At Middlebury, our main “public” advertisement is on our blog. Here’s a recent example:
I try to get the post up within a day or two of when we’re notified that we have access, or at least that week.

Behind the scenes, our liaisons send email to the departments or faculty members they know to be interested in a particular resource, with a link to the blog post.

That’s pretty much the extent of what we’re doing now. I am eager to read about what other libraries are doing. Thank you for the question!

Arabella Holzapfel
Electronic Resources Manager and Library Systems Specialist
Middlebury College Library
110 Storrs Ave.
Middlebury, VT 05753
holzapfe at middlebury.edu<mailto:holzapfe at middlebury.edu>

From: Eril-l [mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org>] On Behalf Of Elyssa Gould
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 12:25 PM
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>
Subject: [Eril-l] Advertising new electronic resources


Our library is reconsidering how we advertise our newly acquired electronic resources.  I welcome responses describing how your library advertises your new electronic resources, and which method(s) seems to work the best.

If you do not advertise new electronic resources, I would appreciate knowing why!

Thank you,
Elyssa Gould

Elyssa M. Gould, MSLS, MA
Electronic Acquisitions & Serials Librarian
University of Michigan Law Library
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

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