[Eril-l] REMINDER: ACRL NEC CDIG/ERMIG > Call for Proposals! TERMS of Engagement: Managing Collections and Electronic Resources Lifecycles

Kim Maxwell kmaxwell at mit.edu
Tue Sep 8 07:46:55 PDT 2015

Just a reminder that proposals are due this Friday, 9/11/2015.

Hope to hear from you!


Kim Maxwell
Electronic Resources Management Librarian
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Libraries, Room 14E-210
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Phone: +1-617-253-7028
Fax:   +1-617-253-2464
Email: kmaxwell at mit.edu

From: Eril-l [mailto:eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org] On Behalf Of Kim Maxwell
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 2:50 PM
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Subject: [Eril-l] ACRL NEC CDIG/ERMIG > Call for Proposals! TERMS of Engagement: Managing Collections and Electronic Resources Lifecycles

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Call for Proposals! TERMS of Engagement: Managing Collections and Electronic Resources Lifecycles

What is it?

*         A free, one-day program hosted by ACRL New England Chapter's Collection Development Interest Group (CDIG) and Electronic Resources Management Interest Group (ERMIG)

*         Wednesday November 18, 2015, 10am-1pm, Sherrill Library, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA; free breakfast and registration 9:30-10am; optional dine-around lunch and networking 1-3pm

The 6 Techniques for Electronic Resource Management (TERMS) (https://library3.hud.ac.uk/blogs/terms/) give us a common language to share, explore, and evolve our work of acquiring and managing academic libraries' e-resource collections. Using TERMS as a program framework, ACRL NEC CDIG and ERMIG seek presentation topics of varying lengths around one or more of the 6 TERMS.

Possible presentation ideas include:

1.       Investigate Content for Purchase

*         Developing best practices for assessing the accessibility/usability of products

*         Tools for comparing similar products - overlap analyses, deciding between e-book platforms

*         Innovative ways to involve students and faculty in trials

2.       Acquiring New Content

*         Successes using SERU or the CRL model license

*         Getting OA or text-mining provisions into your license

*         Negotiation tips

3.       Implementation

*         New tricks to deal with access issues

*         Marketing ideas - spreading the word to different audiences

*         Getting the most out of trainers

4.       Ongoing Evaluation and Access

*         Impact factor projects

*         Tips for getting more out of COUNTER

*         Talking about downtime - how much, where, to who?

5.       Annual Review

*         Helping out the "at-risk" publications

*         Data visualization for usage stats and e-resource value

6.       Cancellation & Replacement Review

*         Breaking the news about a break-up to patrons, to vendors

*         Local hosting solutions to ensure post-cancellation access

We want your ideas about managing collections and electronic resources lifecycles.  We are looking for a wide range of presentations in length, format, and content.  You could propose a formal presentation of a project or workflow, or share preliminary sketches of a crazy idea you want feedback on.  Our goal is for this program to be a place for idea-sharing, for stories from the trenches, and for the fostering of future collaborations.

Important Dates

Fri 9/11: Proposals due

Wed 9/16: Presenters notified

Fri 9/18: Presenters confirm commitment to present

Mon 9/28: Registration opens

Wed 11/11: Presentation materials due

Wed 11/18: Program day!

Submit Your Proposal: https://tufts.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_b9NDcp7EeLIYAxT

About ERMIG and CDIG
Focusing on Electronic Resources Management and Collection Development, ERMIG and CDIG are special interest groups of the ACRL New England Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries (http://www.acrlnec.org/).  For past program information, visit: http://cdig.acrlnec.org/content/programs and http://serig.acrlnec.org/content/programs.
CDIG and ERMIG co-chairs coordinating this event are:

*                 Galadriel Chilton, University of Connecticut (ERMIG), galadriel.chilton at lib.uconn.edu<mailto:galadriel.chilton at lib.uconn.edu>

*                 Martha Kelehan, Tufts University (CDIG), martha.kelehan at tufts.edu<mailto:martha.kelehan at tufts.edu>

*                 Kim Maxwell, MIT (ERMIG), kmaxwell at mit.edu<mailto:kmaxwell at mit.edu>

*                 Susan Raidy-Klein, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (CDIG), sraidyklein at umassd.edu<mailto:sraidyklein at umassd.edu>
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