[Eril-l] Full Text Finder

Beth Johns bmjohns at svsu.edu
Tue Sep 1 06:22:13 PDT 2015

Feeling really stupid today and venting . . . 

We just migrated from LinkSource to Full Text Finder. I feel like I'm enabling a new system -- lots of linking problems that weren't there before. I don't have a systems background so I can only go so far before requiring assistance from EBSCO support, which is nearly daily. 

Is anyone else having issues with this migration? I'm feeling kind of disappointed in the whole thing! 


Beth M. Johns, MLIS 
Electronic Resources & Reference Librarian 
Liaison to Communication, Criminal Justice, Political Science 
Melvin J. Zahnow Library 
Saginaw Valley State University 
LinkedIn: Beth M. Johns, MLIS 

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