[Eril-l] Job announcement: Digital Innovations Librarian

Diane Westerfield Diane.Westerfield at ColoradoCollege.edu
Tue Oct 13 11:49:10 PDT 2015

Colorado College is seeking candidates for the position of Digital Innovations Librarian to oversee and lead the technical development and management of digital resources and innovations in research and education. Please see full description at https://employment.coloradocollege.edu/postings/2268

At Colorado College our goal is to provide the finest liberal arts education in the country. Drawing upon the adventurous spirit of the Rocky Mountain West, we challenge students, one course at a time, to develop those habits of intellect and imagination that will prepare them for learning and leadership throughout their lives.


Diane Westerfield, Electronic Resources & Serials Librarian
Tutt Library, Colorado College
diane.westerfield at coloradocollege.edu<mailto:diane.westerfield at coloradocollege.edu>
(719) 389-6661
(719) 389-6082 (fax)

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