[Eril-l] selecting/activating databases to EDS

Melissa Belvadi mbelvadi at upei.ca
Wed Jul 22 07:22:23 PDT 2015

I'm the EDS coordinator for our library. I have somewhat informal criteria:

1. if the content (of the db itself or the full text it might lead to) is
almost all not in English or French, don't include it (we're in Canada so
we include French)
2. if the metadata leads to documents that can be ILL'd, include it
3. if it leads to documents that can't be ILL'd, like specialized company
reports and such, don't include it

I don't involve other people, after having gotten the other librarians to
agree to these general principles at the outset. I just read the
descriptions of the new products and categorize them as above and act on it.

Melissa Belvadi

On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 6:48 AM, Sütő Péter <psuto at lib.unideb.hu> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> I'm setting up a kind of selection policy to activate the databases
> provided by Ebsco to our EDS (Ebsco Discovery Service).
> I would like to get ideas how do you decide which database should be
> active or inactive in EDS. Do you have any selection policy by criteries or
> do you involve users into the decision making or is it an intuitive
> decision for each provided database?
> Any ideas and experiences would be greatly appreciated!
> Regards
> Péter Sütő
> University and National Library University of Debrecen
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Melissa Belvadi
Collections Librarian
University of Prince Edward Island
mbelvadi at upei.ca 902-566-0581
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