[Eril-l] Using Callisto to test access to electronic resources

Neyer, Linda S lneyer at bloomu.edu
Tue Apr 14 09:51:05 PDT 2015

We are looking for a better, cost-effective way to monitor access to our electronic resources, both on- and off-campus access. Right now we have a staff person checking our on-campus access, but off-campus access is only tested when problems arise, and we’d like a better system.

I searched through ERIL’s archives and found 2 discussions of how people tested remote access in 2013 and 2010. The top ways seemed to be Tor, or a dial-up account, or a personal smartphone/mobile device. Tor and the personal smartphone options will not work for us; a dial-up account might work (but it would cost money, which is hard to sell right now). If someone has some other good, low cost/no cost option that a staff person could implement, please share.

A colleague at another institution mentioned Callisto (from Sharp Moon, http://sharpmoon.com/callisto/) but had not used it. Anyone on this list have any experience/thoughts about using it?

Many thanks,

Linda Neyer, Assoc. Prof., MLS, MS
Science/Health Sciences Librarian  |  Database Coordinator
Harvey A. Andruss Library  |  Bloomsburg University
ph. 570.389.4801  |  lneyer at bloomu.edu

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