[Eril-l] IPEDS again

Kathleen Juliano kjuliano at drew.edu
Mon Apr 6 09:10:59 PDT 2015

Dear All,

I am brand new to the job, and have been reviewing with interest the ways
libraries are interpreting the IPEDs statistics requirements. It's my
understanding that for "e-book checkouts" they are looking for downloads
from Individually purchased e-books vs. subscription e-book databases.

My question is, how do we pull those out?  The ebrary usage stats seem to
include all  e-books, whether purchased or subscribed.  Would MUPO and SUPO
 (which you can separate out) be the individually purchased ones?

And what about Oxford or other providers?  Can I use  oxford reference vs.
Oxford scholarship online as purchsed vs. subscribed?

How do other libraries count their purchased e-books?




 *Kathy Juliano, MLIS*
Electronic Resources and Serials Management Librarian
Drew University | 36 Madison Ave | Madison, NJ 07940
(973) 408-3478 | kjuliano at drew.edu
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