[Eril-l] COUNTER Release 5.1 updates

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Thu Jan 16 03:18:00 PST 2025

**apologies for cross-posting**
Dear librarians

I am really pleased that so many of you are so keen to see your first
Release 5.1 COUNTER reports! However, already this month I've had nearly 350
emails asking when libraries will receive R5.1 reports.

If you are thinking of emailing about R5.1, please read this news piece on
the COUNTER website first: https://www.countermetrics.org/when-r51/. The
key points are:

   - Report providers are required to start delivering R5.1 reports for
   usage that happens in January 2025. The Code has always allowed four weeks
   for processing data, which means that we expect to see providers delivering
   the new reports by the 28th of February 2025.
   - As providers set their R5.1 COUNTER API (sushi) services live, I will
   be updating the COUNTER Registry with that information and a notification.
   ProQuest has already gone live and you can take a look at
   https://registry.countermetrics.org/notifications to see the information.

If this list would find it useful, I will also do a monthly post to the
group outlining which report providers have migrated.

All the best


Tasha Mellins-Cohen

Executive Director, COUNTER

Email: tasha at countermetrics.org

Web: countermetrics.org

Keep in touch via our newsletter

*I support and encourage flexible working. My emails are sent during the
hours that I work and I understand that you will respond during the hours
that you work.*

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