[Eril-l] Best of Core Forum Webinar: Leading for Creativity: Habits and Practices to Shape the Work Environment

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Tue Feb 18 05:00:00 PST 2025

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Best of Core Forum Webinar: Leading for Creativity: Habits and Practices to
Shape the Work Environment

Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025

All webinars are one hour in length and begin at 11 am Pacific, noon
Mountain, 1 pm Central, and 2 pm Eastern time.


While many associate creativity with individual work in the fine arts,
creativity–the development of a valuable new product, idea, or problem
solution–is vital to innovation, solving problems, and facilitating change.
While some elements of creativity are dependent on a person’s inherent
interests and abilities, creativity is significantly influenced by a
person’s context. In other words, an individual’s creativity largely
depends on whether their environment supports creative work. Creativity is
constantly demanded of libraries as they face challenges and bans,
technological changes, and fluctuations in the characteristics and
interests of their user populations. While the value of creativity may seem
obvious, the practices needed to cultivate it in the workplace are less
understood. This presentation will draw on both quantitative and
qualitative data collected by the presenter from academic library staff and
leaders over the last several years to identify barriers that both library
staff and leaders face when trying to cultivate a creative work
environment. It will then provide attendees with specific strategies that
can contribute to a work environment that encourages creativity among
employees while countering destructive environmental elements that can
contribute to bullying, low morale, and burnout.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the webinar, attendees will be able to:


   identify the positive and negative ways work environment influences

   describe work environment elements that both inhibit and encourage

   apply specific strategies to influence the work environment in ways that
   support creativity and minimize harm.

Who should attend?

Library staff with management and leadership responsibilities or


Nancy Falciani-White (she/her) is Professor and Library Director at
Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, VA. She has worked at liberal arts
colleges for over 20 years, and has been researching creativity in
libraries since 2017. She has written Creativity: A Toolkit for Academic
Libraries (ACRL, 2021) and “Conditions for Creativity and Innovation in the
Work Environment of Academic Libraries in the United States and Canada”
(Journal of Library Administration, 2024), and has led several
presentations and webinars on this topic. She has an MSLIS from the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an EdD in Instructional
Technology from Northern Illinois University, and is currently servicing as
Vice President of the Virginia Library Association.


Registration fees for webinar:  Core Member $57.67; ALA member: $71.10;
Non-member $79.00

For additional information and access to registration links, please go to
the following website:


Core webinars are recorded and registrants receive a link to the recording
shortly following the live event.

For questions about registration, contact ALA Registration by calling
1-800-545-2433 and press 5 or email registration at ala.org.

For all other questions or comments related to Core webinars, please
contact Core CE staff at corece at ala.org.

*Posted on behalf of the Core Continuing Education Committee.*


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