[Eril-l] Primary Research Group Inc. has published the Survey of College Students 2025, Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence, ISBN 979-8-88517-279-0

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Fri Feb 7 10:38:58 PST 2025

This study presents detailed data on use of ChatGPT, Gemini, Grok, Claude,
MidJourney and CoPilot, among other applications, by students at 4-year
colleges in the United States The highly detailed report shows exactly how
many minutes per month students spend on each application.  The study also
looks at the extent to which students use AI to replace or complement their
internet searches.  In addition, students report on whether they have paid
subscriptions to various AI applications and evaluate just how important it
is to them to develop their AI-usage skills.

*Data in the report is presented in the aggregate and broken out by 19
variables including but not limited to age, academic major, gender, sexual
orientation, SAT/GRE scores, college grades, race or ethnicity, religion,
college tuition charged, public and private college status and many other
characteristics. *

*Just a few of this 215-page report’s Key Findings:*

1.      ChatGPT emerged as the most widely used AI tool, with 64.77% of
students reporting usage in the past month. Other AI tools such as
Microsoft CoPilot (15.46%) and Gemini (13.60%) also saw notable adoption.,
while tools like Claude (5.77%), Midjourney (1.66%), and Grok (0.98%) had
relatively low usage.

2.      Use of ChatGPT was more popular at higher-tuition institutions
(79.35% usage at colleges with tuition above $20,000) compared to
lower-tuition colleges (53.93% at those under $6,000).

3.      Students from major cities and those raised abroad showed higher
usage of ChatGPT.

4.      Microsoft CoPilot was most used in Engineering and Criminology/Law
Enforcement majors.

5.      Male students and those identifying as Hindu or politically
moderate also showed higher AI adoption rates.

6.      A significant portion of students (59.24%) considered learning
generative AI "somewhat important" to "very important," with higher
interest among private college students, high-income families, and STEM

For a table of contents, the questionnaire and an excerpt – view the
product page at:  https://www.primaryresearch.com/AddCart.aspx?ReportID=830
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