[Eril-l] RDA-US and NISO to Collaborate on US National PID Strategy

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Tue Feb 4 10:05:26 PST 2025

**Apologies for cross posting**

*Baltimore, MD and Bloomington, IN | February 4, 2025*—The Research Data
Alliance-United States (RDA-US) and the National Information Standards
Organization (NISO) announced today their intent to collaborate in the
development of an ANSI/NISO standard for a US national Persistent
Identifier (PID) strategy. The Working Group formed to achieve this goal
will operate within NISO’s standards development structure.

Persistent identifiers, or PIDs, are critical to the infrastructure
supporting scholarly communications and open research. PIDs support
research discovery and citations, allow users and systems to easily
identify authors and institutions and link them to research outputs, and
help ensure compliance with a growing number of government and funder
mandates advancing open scholarship. The Open Research Funders Group,
building on work first addressed in the Research Data Alliance, released
the report “Developing a US National PID Strategy” in March 2024. The
report highlighted the need for a strategy to build support for PIDs,
increase their adoption, and help stakeholders incorporate them into
workflows and systems more easily. Engaging with the principles addressed
in the report while also further developing other elements, this Working
Group will create a standard for advancing PIDs and open scholarship.

The RDA-US office will provide expertise on the benefits of PIDs and shared
PID systems while also sharing insights on strategies for implementing PID
infrastructure within the broader data community. It will also support
further engagement by RDA-US members in the Working Group’s ongoing
projects, initiatives, and events to ensure diversity and balance
stakeholder engagement. In turn, NISO will administer the Group’s
operations and liaise with all members, including representatives and
individuals within the RDA-US community.

“RDA-US is pleased to partner with NISO on the development of an ANSI/NISO
standard for a US PID strategy”, said Beth Plale, RDA-US Executive
Director. “RDA-US has endorsed the US-based PID strategy standard precisely
because it accounts for the nuances of the US research ecosystem, so we
expect this working group to produce a result that is quite helpful as
guidance for the community.”

“We are excited to announce this collaboration with RDA-US,” added Todd
Carpenter, NISO Executive Director. “Their guidance will be invaluable to
the Working Group as it progresses this important project supporting open

*About RDA-US*

The Research Data Alliance – United States (RDA-US) was instrumental in the
founding, development, and support of the global Research Data Alliance. It
is dedicated to strong community connections, global solutions to benefit
our region and beyond, advancing research and education in open science,
and facilitating working groups supporting RDA and RDA-US goals. RDA-US is
based at Indiana University in the Pervasive Technology Institute and
fosters a national community through its programmatic activity and steering
committee. For more information, visit the RDA-US website (
https://rda-us.org) or contact us at rda-us at rda-alliance.org.

*About NISO*

Based in Baltimore, MD, NISO’s mission is to build knowledge, foster
discussion, and advance authoritative standards development through
collaboration among the cultural, scholarly, scientific, and professional
communities. To fulfill this mission, NISO engages with libraries,
publishers, information aggregators, and other organizations that support
learning, research, and scholarship through the creation, organization,
management, and curation of knowledge. NISO works with intersecting
communities of interest and across the entire life cycle of information
standards. NISO is a not-for-profit association accredited by the American
National Standards Institute (ANSI). For more information, visit the NISO
website (https://niso.org) or contact us at nisohq at niso.org.

3600 Clipper Mill Road, Suite 302
Baltimore, MD 21211

Phone: 301.654.2512
E-mail: nisohq at niso.org
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