[Eril-l] Core Webinar: What is a Library Facility Master Plan and Why is it Needed (Part 1 of 4-part series)

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Wed Sep 4 05:00:00 PDT 2024

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Core Webinar: What is a Library Facility Master Plan and Why is it Needed
(Part 1 of 4-part series)

Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024

All webinars are one hour in length and begin at 11 am Pacific, noon
Mountain, 1 pm Central, and 2 pm Eastern time.

Description: CORE/Buildings & Operations: Buildings for College and
University Libraries and Planning & Design Committees are pleased to
present the four-part webinar series “Library Facility Master Plans”.

Library leaders with responsibility for one or more buildings continually
grapple with aging systems and facilities, while also keeping physical
spaces fresh and responsive to evolving service and programming needs.
Without a comprehensive plan, a series of small improvements in individual
rooms or partial floors can lead to an inconsistent patron and staff
experience and inefficient resource use. Additionally, without a master
plan, collection management policies intended to free up library space, can
make library real estate targets for both desirable and less desirable
non-library uses. Administrative support and campus funding requests are
better received when presented within the context of a master plan that
aligns with campus-wide strategic goals.

This series explores the key aspects of a Library Facility Master Plan,
from understanding its necessity and initiation to practical insights about
conducting a master planning process, along with lessons learned. It
features presenters including planners and architects, as well as a wide
spectrum of academic library deans, whose experiences will provide useful

Session 1: What is a Library Facility Master Plan and Why is it Needed is
aimed at those who have not previously been involved in a master planning
process or were only peripherally involved. It will cover what a library
master plan is, why it might be needed, and how to initiate the master
planning process.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this webinar, the attendees will be able to:


   Understand the definition of a Library Facility Master Plan, grasp its
   significance for long-term facility improvement, and gain insight into its
   potential alignment with the library's vision, strategic plan, and the
   institution's priorities and initiatives.

   Identify reasons for needing a master plan, considering both external
   and internal factors, and develop advocacy to secure support from
   university administration, collaborate with key partners, and engage
   stakeholders as champions.

   Assess the resources and efforts needed for a master plan, outline
   outcomes and engagement levels, and strategically leverage the plan to
   kickstart a successful development campaign.

Who should attend?

Primarily library-centric, including leaders in areas of library
administration (Deans/Directors and AUL’s) and Directors of Library


Principal, library practice leader and interior design leader for Perkins
Eastman|Pfeiffer and before that Pfeiffer Partners Architects, Gili
Meerovitch has over 20 years of experience master planning, programming and
designing academic libraries for colleges and universities of all sizes
across North America. She brings insights from dozens of library facilities
master plans which she has led.

An architect who joined North Carolina State University in 2009 after 18
years of professional practice, Patrick Deaton serves as Associate Director
for Learning Spaces & Capital Management for NC State Libraries. In this
role, he recently concluded a facility master plan for the D.H. Hill Jr.
Library for alignment with a 2022 strategic plan, in addition to
involvement with the 2023 NCSU campus-wide Master Plan which encompassed
Hunt Library and the Centennial Campus.

Currently Dean of Libraries and Museums at Saint Louis University, Jennifer
Nutefall's previous role as Dean of Libraries at University of Northern
Colorado included master planning for Michener Library following the
development of a 2021-2024 Strategic Plan. Before that in her eight years
as University Librarian at Santa Clara University, she engaged in multiple
strategic planning efforts and the implementation of several space
renovation projects.

A member of the University of Miami faculty since 1987, Cheryl Gowing is
currently Associate Dean, Library Facilities, Strategic Planning &
Organizational Development. She led the library's participation in a recent
library master plan. An outgrowth of a learning commons effort and a
multi-floor study that expanded to a comprehensive master plan, including
collection storage and response to university-wide changes, she is now
engaged in phased renovations.


Registration fees for webinar:  Core Member $57.67; ALA member: $71.10;
Non-member $79.00

For additional information and access to registration links, please go to
the following website:


For additional information and access to registration links for the series
as a whole:


Core webinars are recorded and registrants receive a link to the recording
shortly following the live event.

For questions about registration, contact ALA Registration by calling
1-800-545-2433 and press 5 or email registration at ala.org.

For all other questions or comments related to Core webinars, please
contact Core CE staff at corece at ala.org.

*Posted on behalf of the Core Continuing Education Committee.*


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