[Eril-l] "Ask the Expert" Webinar -- Government Documents Cataloging Nov. 21

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Thu Oct 17 11:46:12 PDT 2024

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"Ask the Expert" Webinar -- Government Documents Cataloging

Date & Time

Nov 21, 2024 01:00 PM in Mountain Time (US and Canada)


Cataloging government documents is complex, to say the least. But having an expert to answer your cataloging questions and/or to clarify doubts regarding cataloging rules and their interpretation can be really helpful. ALA Core’s Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee is joining the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) to hold a one-hour Ask the Expert webinar event. Chad Deets, Metadata Librarian for Specialized Collections at Arizona State University and member of GODORT, has graciously volunteered his time to answer audience questions. The committee will be soliciting questions beforehand and Chad will also take live questions from the audience during the webinar.

To submit your gov docs cataloging question, please fill out our Ask the Expert Google form https://forms.gle/GxgLE74cWHcGbKxh9

Please use this link to register and receive the Zoom link: https://ala-events.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3XVcXyF4SJeJEMxC5Wryyw

We hope to see you there!


Bonnie Parks

Collections Technology Librarian

Clark Library, University of Portland

5000 N Willamette Blvd | Portland, OR 97203

503.943.8876 tel | 503.943.7491 fax


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