[Eril-l] ALA Core Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee’s Ask the Expert Session: May 30, 2024, noon-1 pm CDT

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Fri May 17 11:35:04 PDT 2024

Posted to multiple email lists. Apologies for duplication
ALA Core Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee’s Ask the Expert Session: May 30, 2024, noon-1 pm CDT/10am -11am PDT
Serials cataloging can be quite complex. but having an expert on hand to answer your questions can be really helpful. CRCC is holding its inaugural one-hour Ask the Expert event. Join serials expert Steve Shadle, head of serials cataloging at the University of Washington, as he answers questions and offers advice. Questions will be solicited beforehand through multiple email lists and from the audience during the event if time permits.  <https://forms.gle/DCChM5upW74AHXX27> Submit your questions<https://forms.gle/DCChM5upW74AHXX27> and join the fun!
Advance registration requested:
On behalf of CRCC, we look forward to seeing you there!

Bonnie Parks

Collections Technology Librarian

Clark Library, University of Portland

5000 N Willamette Blvd | Portland, OR 97203

503.943.8876 tel | 503.943.7491 fax


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