[Eril-l] EBA Survey Request

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Thu Jul 11 14:22:42 PDT 2024


My name is Matt Jabaily, Interim Director of Collections and Content at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. My colleagues and I are conducting survey research on the use of Evidence-Based Acquisition* plans (for e-books) at academic libraries.

Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) plans have become more common across academic libraries for the provision and acquisition of e-books. The literature on e-books has focused generally on institution-specific adoption and workflows, selection decisions and assessment, and management. This study looks to perform an overarching review of the literature, and supplement it with a broader survey of EBA adoption,  implementation, and assessment trends across academic libraries. I am being joined in this research by principal investigator, Chris Palazzolo, (Emory University) and co-investigator William Jacobs (San Francisco State University).

We would like to invite you to participate in the following survey<https://survey.qualtrics.emory.edu/jfe/form/SV_bsmRomzALaGLuhE> as part of the research.

The survey component will be run through Qualtrics<https://survey.qualtrics.emory.edu/jfe/form/SV_bsmRomzALaGLuhE> and should take about 15-20 minutes to complete. There will be ample opportunity throughout the survey to elaborate on responses or provide alternate responses. Please pass this survey along to the best individual who can answer questions on the adoption, management, and evaluation of EBAs at your institution. Please limit to one response per institution!

If you would like to participate, please click here to be redirected to the survey<https://survey.qualtrics.emory.edu/jfe/form/SV_bsmRomzALaGLuhE>. You will be presented with a Letter of Information followed by a consent button before the survey begins. 


Principal Investigator:

Dr. Christopher A. Palazzolo, Head of Collections and Social Sciences Librarian, Woodruff Library, Emory University, Principal Investigator (cpalazz at emory.edu<mailto:cpalazz at emory.edu>)



Matt Jabaily, Interim Director of Collections and Content and Assistant Professor, Kraemer Family Library, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs

William Jacobs, Associate Librarian, J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University

*EBA Definition

“A patron-driven acquisition model in which libraries negotiate with a vendor or publisher to provide access to a pool of e-books in exchange for an agreement to purchase e-books at a set amount at the end of the program (typically after one year). When that time is up, librarians make purchasing decisions based on evidence of use. Libraries normally pay an upfront fee that is less than the cost of the full collection of titles.” 

Johnson, Peggy (2018). Fundamentals of Collection Management and Development,  4th Edition. ALA Editions, p. 391.

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