[Eril-l] Electronic Resources job background survey

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Mon Jul 1 05:11:44 PDT 2024

Good morning,

I’m seeking respondents for a survey <https://forms.gle/vTxgxCdGmXdnBNwv5>
on the experience of Electronic Resources Librarians and other library
employees who work directly with electronic resources management. The
purpose of this research is to gain a better understanding of how
electronic resources librarians or library employees in similar roles
received education and training for their current role and what advice they
hope to convey to future electronic resources librarians. The findings from
this survey will be used in an article about electronic resource librarian
job preparation. You are being invited to participate because you are a
library employee who works primarily with electronic resources.

I anticipate the survey will take 10 minutes at most, depending on the
amount of detail you’d like to provide as part of the open-ended
questions.  The survey will be open until September 1, 2024..

Please review the Informed Consent <https://forms.gle/fi71zJbzTVQkPdQR7>,
which will provide further details on the research, your rights as a
participant, and options to complete the survey.

Thank you for sharing your perspective and knowledge.  Let me know if you
have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Meghan Lenahan

*Meghan A. Lenahan *(she/her/hers)
Electronic Resources Librarian for Acquisitions
Binghamton University | Glenn G. Bartle Library - LSG684A
mlenahan at binghamton.edu | 607-777-4834
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