[Eril-l] Setting up SUSHI Harvesting for Usage Data Collection Streamline

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Thu Jan 25 13:37:29 PST 2024


I am curious how to start the process of setting UP Sushi in a much needed
attempt to streamline our data collection.

I am looking on https://www.niso.org/ but still not sure what needs to come
first and what questions I need to ask before we get too far ahead of

In the past we have not used SUSHI Harvesting and I would like to
incorporate this and see if it will assist our data collection process.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.

Tracy M. Cole

Assistant Librarian, Acquisitions

USA Libraries Collections

tmcole at southalabama.edu

P: (251) 461-1563


University of South Alabama

Marx Library

5901 USA Drive North

Mobile, AL 36688

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