[Eril-l] Two positions available: Digital Scholarship Librarian and Information Technologies Librarian

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Thu May 18 06:21:35 PDT 2023

The Emporia State University Libraries and Archives seeks applicants for two full-time librarian positions.  Please check the links for more information and directions for applying.  The applications remain open until filled.

Digital Scholarship and OER Librarian:  https://hr.hornet365.com/1307-assistant-professor

Information Technologies Librarian:  https://hr.hornet365.com/1311-assistant-professor

Both positions are based on the Emporia campus.  Each position offers the option of tenure-track faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor OR a non-tenure-track appointment (3-year contract with renewal options) at the rank of Instructor that includes teaching and service responsibilities without scholarship responsibilities.

For additional information about the Digital Scholarship and OER Librarian position, please contact Dr. Terri Summey, Search Committee Chair, at tsummey at emporia.edu

For additional information about the Information Technologies Librarian position, please contact Cynthia Kane, Search Committee Chair, at ckane1 at emporia.edu

Sarah W. Sutton, MLS, Ph.D., CDA
Associate Professor
SLIM Assessment Director
NASIG Student Outreach Ambassador to ESU SLIM
ssutton3 at emporia.edu
1 Kellogg Circle, Box 25
Emporia, KS 66801

Office hours: most Wednesdays from 10:30 - 11:30 am Central time, all are welcome! (https://emporiastate.zoom.us/j/8314911547)<https://emporiastate.zoom.us/j/8314911547>

CliftonStrengths<https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/253715/34-cliftonstrengths-themes.aspx>: empathy, consistency, intellection, developer, harmony
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