[Eril-l] COUNTER Release 5.1

Electronic Resources in Libraries discussion list eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Mon May 8 00:44:06 PDT 2023

Release 5.1 of the COUNTER Code of Practice is live!


I'm delighted to let you know that after eighteen months of planning, public consultation, and a great deal of hard work from COUNTER's Technical Advisory Group, Release 5.1 of the Code of Practice is now live.

Find out more

The full Code of Practice is available online at cop5.projectcounter.org/en/5.1<https://projectcounter.glueup.com/track/rd?type=campaign&lid=1&tracking_id=3983:187378:edfa83df-3e9e-462c-b57a-46aef40c1bd4&redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcop5.projectcounter.org%2Fen%2F5.1%2F&ts=1683307960&ps=NCsrVUs2Wi81ZVFQMUR2KzNsNzVXUm9pUFBJRmZ4ZzRLdy9PcmdlcWNodi94MDBsam85R29pZ2dTT1E2c3FONmFuZ2F4d2swclUwbHlQNEI0bWY0dkE9PQ==>

We also have a completely new set of educational materials on the media library at medialibrary.projectcounter.org<https://projectcounter.glueup.com/track/rd?type=campaign&lid=2&tracking_id=3983:187378:edfa83df-3e9e-462c-b57a-46aef40c1bd4&redirect_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmedialibrary.projectcounter.org%2F&ts=1683307960&ps=Z0lkd1ZXcTZxS3ZaZERwN1p6NDZwMndvelVvWVVqT1MvRGZUU0VkRzhRNHJHQldxT01EaEo0YXJ6cHBJaE9SVkJob2dKak54V0NaUzB4YzE2eGpEQkE9PQ==>, including new Friendly Guides, video classes, and one-page introductions to different aspects of COUNTER.

And of course, we'll be running some webinars over the summer - watch this space for details!

All the best

Tasha Mellins-Cohen

Email: tasha.mellins-cohen at counterusage.org<mailto:tasha.mellins-cohen at counterusage.org>
Web: projectcounter.org<http://projectcounter.org>

Special thanks to Bernd Oberknapp who went above and beyond in getting R5.1 out the door!

Thanks also to every member of the Technical Advisory Group: Senol Akay, Melissa Belvadi, Andrew Goldthorpe, Ian Hayes, Kathryn Hodgkinson, Athena Hoeppner, Conni Junge, Beda Kosata, Sonja Lendi, Stuart Maxwell, Paul Needham, David Perry, Oliver Pesch, Thomas Porquet, Peter Vlahakis, and Elena Zapryanova-Hadjinikolova.

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