[Eril-l] Outsell: research on use of video in the teaching humanities and social sciences

Lettie Conrad lettieconrad at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 14:26:24 PST 2023

Outsell is working with a major provider of educational and research
content covering humanities and social sciences disciplines to conduct an
independent assessment of the purchasing decisions associated with the
strategic selection of video and audio content for teaching and learning

This research will inform future product development and support other
organizational decision-making. We are looking for academic librarians in
the UK, US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to take part in this
research exercise, which will consist of a 30-minute Zoom interview at a
mutually convenient date and time. We are looking to complete all
interviews by the end of February 2023.

As an incentive, we’re offering all interviewees a $50 Amazon voucher as
well as a summary of our key findings. All this in exchange for a 30-minute

Anything said in these interviews is confidential – nothing interviewees
say will be attributed to them personally or to their institution. Outsell
will instead summarize responses in aggregate.

Anyone interested in taking part in this research exercise should email me
at lconrad at outsellinc.com.

Thank you!
Lettie Y. Conrad, PhD @lyconrad <https://twitter.com/lyconrad>
Independent researcher & consultant
VP & Lead Analyst, Scholarly Communications, Outsell Inc.
North American Editor, Learned Publishing
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