[Eril-l] Reminder: Core webinar: Reviewing New Visions for Collection Development
Core-CE Announce
alcts.ce.announce at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 14:09:42 PST 2023
*Cross posted to multiple lists*
Core webinar: Reviewing New Visions for Collection Development
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2023
All webinars are one hour in length and begin at 11 am Pacific, noon
Mountain, 1 pm Central, and 2 pm Eastern time.
Description: Over time there have been more libraries drafting position
descriptions with job titles such as collection strategist and collection
analyst. This presentation will examine the way libraries describe their
collection needs and how certain collection position titles are becoming
more common place.
Shifting expectations and budget constraints have created an ever-present
need to provide collections data and evidence to support purchases or
rethink the collections. Open access , inside out, shared print, and
growing electronic/digital collections have changed the way libraries
define what the head of collections must do to support the needs of the
library. There are several libraries that have crafted position
descriptions with job titles like 'collection strategist' or 'collection
analyst' to replace or supplement the head of collection position. This
presentation analyzes these strategy-based position descriptions to gain a
deeper understanding of how libraries would like to shape their collections
in the future.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this webinar, the attendees will be able to:
Describe the types of collection positions that are prevalent within the
current academic landscape.
Generate a list of skills that are most frequently in demand for
collection-related librarian positions and assess how it is shaping
collection development practices.
Identify language and wording for what skills and qualifications are
valued most for collection-related positions.
Who should attend?
Library leadership and librarians interested in collection trends. Those
reconsidering positions at their institution or interested in seeing what
others are posting. There may also be some new graduates who wish to see
what type of skills are targeted.
Anne Larrivee (she/her) serves as the Collection Strategist and
Anthropology/Sociology Librarian at West Chester University Libraries.
Before arriving at West Chester she served as Penn Libraries' Collection
Analyst/Social Science Librarian and previous to that role she served as
Binghamton University Libraries' Faculty Engagement Librarian. She holds
two Master degrees, one in Anthropology from Binghamton University and the
other in Library and Information Science from the University of South
Florida. Before pursuing her graduate studies she served as a Peace Corps
volunteer in Togo, West Africa focused on the domain of Community Health.
Anne's research interests include communities of practice, the impact of
collections on people, and understanding representation within library
Registration fees for webinar: Core Member $57.67; ALA member: $71.10;
Non-member $79.00
For additional information and access to registration links, please go to
the following website:
Core webinars are recorded and registrants receive a link to the recording
shortly following the live event.
For questions about registration, contact ALA Registration by calling
1-800-545-2433 and press 5 or email registration at ala.org.
For all other questions or comments related to Core webinars, please
contact Core CE staff at corece at ala.org.
*Posted on behalf of the Core Continuing Education Committee.*
Find your home, find your Core!
Searching for your place in ALA? If your role is in buildings, collections,
management, or technology, then Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures
may be the perfect fit for you! Six sections
let you tailor your membership to the areas that match your interests and
career aspirations. Our interest groups offer networking and
problem-solving, while our volunteer opportunities give you practical
experience for your résumé. Our members are critical to implementing and
maintaining core library services; they come from every level of
responsibility and help shape the future of the profession. We hope you’ll
consider joining
and finding your home in Core
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