[Eril-l] AM Explorer Filter Issues?

Katy Gabrio gabrio at macalester.edu
Thu Mar 10 09:27:13 PST 2022


I hope that you all are having a good week. We are working with Adam
Matthew on a technical issue that rose to the surface a few months ago and
we are curious about whether or not we are the only ones experiencing this
behavior. When we do a keyword search in the AM Explorer interface and then
try to apply a search filter on the initial results list, the filter does
not appear to be applied. For example, with an initial search of the term
"celebration" we get 20,000+ results. When we check to apply the filter
term "Age of Exploration" it looks like we should get a slimmed down
results list of 13 items, but what we end up with is the 20,000+ results
from the initial search.

Is anyone else seeing this behavior? Thanks for your help!



Katy Gabrio

Associate Library Director

*She / Her / Hers <https://www.mypronouns.org/>*

DeWitt Wallace Library

651-696-6703 | gabrio at macalester.edu

1600 Grand Avenue

Saint Paul, MN 55105 USA

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