[Eril-l] Music Magazine Archive

Barbara Dietsch barbara.dietsch at duke.edu
Tue Jan 25 11:00:19 PST 2022

Good afternoon,

This is an inquiry for the libraries that still have Music Magazine Archive listed as an available database. Does anyone here have an active website for the database?

To explain a bit, Image Data Conversion LLC acquired NA Publishing which maintained the content/website for Music Magazine Archive and a few other databases. In my investigation, it appears that NA Publishing and Image Data Conversion LLC have gone bankrupt. Does anyone know if there was a purchaser for Music Magazine Archive when they went bankrupt and ceased operations?

All contact #s for both NA Publishing and  Image Data Conversion LLC have been disconnected and websites have become inactive.

See below post regarding this from the blog, Two-Year Talk:


Thanks for any information that can be shared.


(919) 660-5977
barbara.dietsch at duke.edu
Electronic Resources Management Specialist
Continuing Resource Acquisitions Department
Duke University Libraries

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