[Eril-l] NASIG Transforms to Open

Steve Oberg steve.oberg at wheaton.edu
Wed Apr 6 12:14:40 PDT 2022

After many years of thoughtful debate and consideration, NASIG has reached a deal to partner with Michigan Publishing<https://www.publishing.umich.edu/> to deliver its conference proceedings as full, immediate open access starting with this year’s conference. The hard work and efforts from members of NASIG’s Open Initiatives Committee<https://nasig.org/Open-Initiatives-Committee> have made this possible! Ted Westervelt, NASIG President, says, “I am thrilled NASIG is working with Michigan Publishing to ensure that the incredible content of the NASIG Proceedings will be made open access to all at the moment of publication. This is an important step for NASIG in its role in transforming the information community.”

NASIG is very grateful for its long and fruitful partnership with previous partner, Taylor & Francis, and their journal, Serials Librarian. The transition to Michigan Publishing allows NASIG to build on and better express core values of our non-profit membership organization. “The NASIG Proceedings will be a really important addition to our journals program,” says Jason Colman, Director of Michigan Publishing Services. “Not only will Michigan Publishing be able to magnify the reach and impact of the important work coming out of each year’s Conference, but as library-based publishers, being the home of the annual Proceedings will also bring us into conversation in a new way with our community.” NASIG’s mission is expressed in its tagline, “Transforming the Information Community,” and we view this agreement as a key step in support of that mission.

The default licensing option for NASIG authors will be CC BY<https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/> (Creative Commons Attribution License) although authors will have the option to choose other CC licenses for their work if desired.

NASIG has an engaging and dynamic conference planned for 5-8 June, 2002 at the beautiful Baltimore Waterfront Marriott<https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/bwiwf-baltimore-marriott-waterfront/overview/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwuMuRBhCJARIsAHXdnqPTw5AHcDM9r_O_vH7rkqwj9YJsuHoIoTwj7A_RCxFVVVGB3Trg9EgaAsbyEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds> in Baltimore, Maryland. To register, visit nasig.org<https://nasig.org/> and plan to join us either in-person or online as together, we imagine and articulate a transformed scholarly communication ecosystem. A preliminary program schedule<https://2022nasig.sched.com/> is also available.

Questions about the new agreement may be sent to info at nasig.org<mailto:info at nasig.org>.

(Incoming NASIG Marketing & Social Media Coordinator)

Steve Oberg
Assistant Professor and Group Leader for Acquisitions and Discovery Services
Buswell Library, Wheaton College (IL)
+1 (630) 752-5852

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