[Eril-l] Core webinar: Developing Your Storytelling Skills for Library Assessment

Core-CE Announce alcts.ce.announce at gmail.com
Wed Mar 17 13:36:00 PDT 2021

*Cross posted to multiple lists*

Core webinar: Developing Your Storytelling Skills for Library Assessment

Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2021

All webinars are one hour in length and begin at 11 am Pacific, noon
Mountain, 1 pm Central, and 2 pm Eastern time.

Description: Though the art of storytelling may seem like something innate,
it should be more considered a skill. Like any skill, your storytelling
ability can be fostered and grown. In fact, storytelling can be one of the
most important tools when sharing the information about your library. If
you think about your library assessment, you might often begin drowning in
research jargon, numbers, and methodology. When we focus on the little
pieces or individual data points, we lose the context frame that resonates
with our users. Likewise, the ability to clearly share your story is a
cornerstone of marketing and advocating for your library.

This webinar will teach the foundations of storytelling for library
assessment, user experience, and marketing. It will share the secrets to
effectively shine in the mind of your users, including promoting the user
as the protagonist of their own story. You will learn storytelling
principles to create a more engaging and user-centered experiences.
Crafting stories can invoke empathy and connect to your users while keeping
the message consistent and strategic. In times where users are bombarded by
information daily, the ability to keep to a constant message and appeal to
all users becomes an imperative skill for libraries of all types.

During the webinar, we will explore proven marketing techniques used by
some of the top consultants in the field, including Sarah Weise and Ann K.
Emery. Participants will come away with a storyline checklist in order to
keep their narratives strategic and consistent across platforms.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this webinar, the attendees will be able to:


   Define the right steps to a proper storyline

   Clarify the message required and the audience desired

   Define the role of empathizing with the user

   Evaluate and choose a signature story

Who should attend?

This webinar is geared towards librarians in marketing, user experience,
and administration. Those who control the narrative of the organization
need to develop the skills of the good storyteller.


Manda Sexton is the Assessment and User Experience Librarian for Kennesaw
State University and co-author of “Tracking and Recording Progress Toward
Strategic Goals” in Leading Change in Academic Libraries. She specializes
in strategic tracking, adult learning, and methods of alleviating library
anxiety. A strong believer in the power of a good story, Manda regularly
creates tools of expressing library assessment and value to its users with
multiple audiences in mind. Manda enjoys a good streaming binge and can
often be found outside getting lost in the woods.


Registration Fees:  Core Member $43; Non-member $59; Group rate $129

For additional information and access to registration links, please go to
the following website:


Core webinars are recorded and registrants receive a link to the recording
shortly following the live event.

For questions about registration, contact ALA Registration by calling
1-800-545-2433 and press 5 or email registration at ala.org.

For all other questions or comments related to Core webinars, please
contact Core CE staff at corece at ala.org.

*Posted on behalf of the Core Continuing Education Committee.*
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