[Eril-l] Core webinar rescheduled to 2/9/21: Developing the Best Survey Tips from Consultations

ALCTS-CE Announce alcts.ce.announce at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 10:04:40 PST 2021

Please note: this webinar has been rescheduled to *Tuesday, February 9,

On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 6:49 AM ALCTS-CE Announce <
alcts.ce.announce at gmail.com> wrote:

> *Cross posted to multiple lists*
> Core webinar: Developing the Best Survey Tips from Consultations
> Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 Rescheduled Date: Tuesday, February 9,
> 2021 All webinars are one hour in length and begin at 11 am Pacific, noon
> Mountain, 1 pm Central, and 2 pm Eastern time.
> Description: Surveys are popular assessment tools to understand users'
> needs and perceptions because they are easy and quick to use. In spite of
> the convenience and popularity, it is hard to have a well-designed survey.
> In this presentation, the Assessment Coordinator of the University of
> Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Library will share her experiences and lessons
> learned from consultations over the years, as well as practical tips:
> When and how to use surveys (e.g., using surveys to demonstrate the
> library's impact on students' academic success)
> Survey flow (e.g., where to add demographic questions; the order of
> questions) and length
> Response options (e.g., yes/no or Likert Scale)
> Rules and policies (e.g., user privacy and accessibility)
> The presenter will use the examples of the surveys that she has developed
> and used in her university library consultations. This presentation targets
> any library staff who are involved in assessment or want to improve their
> skills in developing surveys as an assessment tool. During the Q & A,
> attendees will have an opportunity to share their experiences and tips in
> developing surveys with others.
> Learning outcomes:
> At the end of this webinar, the attendees will be able to:
>    -
>    Understand why a well-designed survey is important.
>    -
>    Learn practical tips when developing a survey.
>    -
>    Become familiar with rules and policies related to developing a survey.
> Who should attend?
> Any library employee who is involved in assessment or wants to be involved
> in assessment in the future. Regardless of their experience, attendees will
> benefit from this webinar when developing their own surveys.
> Presenter:
> Jung Mi Scoulas is Clinical Assistant Professor and Assessment
> Coordinator at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Library. Her
> primary responsibilities include planning and implementing library
> assessment initiatives, leading regular internal and external surveys, and
> consulting with library units to determine their assessment needs. She
> holds a PhD in educational psychology and a MEd in Measurement, Evaluation,
> Statistics and Assessment from UIC.
> *****************
> Registration Fees:  Core Member $43; Non-member $59; Group rate $129
> For additional information and access to registration links, please go to
> the following website:
> http://www.ala.org/core/developing-best-survey-tips-consultations
> Core webinars are recorded and registrants receive a link to the recording
> shortly following the live event.
> For questions about registration, contact ALA Registration by calling
> 1-800-545-2433 and press 5 or email registration at ala.org
> For all other questions or comments related to the webinars, please
> contact freuland at ala.org
> Posted on behalf of the Core Continuing Education Committee.
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