[Eril-l] Job Posting - Duke Libraries, ERM Specialist

Abigail Wickes abigail.wickes at duke.edu
Tue Aug 31 12:01:03 PDT 2021

Dear colleagues,

I am reaching out to make you aware of recruitment for the Electronic Resources Management Specialist vacancy in the Duke University Libraries Technical Services Division.

The position reports to me and manages access for research databases, among other responsibilities. The full position description including salary information is available here: https://library.duke.edu/about/jobs/ermspecialist

I would be happy to answer questions or put you in touch with staff to learn more about working at Duke or living in the Triangle region.

Thank you for your consideration,

Abigail Wickes (she/her/hers)

Electronic Resources Management Librarian

Mail: Duke University Libraries, Box 90187 | Durham, NC 27708
Email: abigail.wickes at duke.edu<mailto:abigail.wickes at duke.edu>
Phone: 919-660-6939

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