[Eril-l] database accessibility
Checkley, Caroline R
checkc at essex.ac.uk
Wed Mar 18 00:09:13 PDT 2020
Hi Heather
This is a very active topic in the U.K at the moment as we have new public sector regulations coming into force.
ASPIRE began as an eBook accessibility survey but has evolved into a service that verifies accessibility for platforms and publishers https://www.textboxdigital.com/aspire-home, so you may find some platforms have already been assessed already. In the UK HE community we are trying to encourage publishers to use this service as much as possible.
We use the SiteImprove<https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/siteimprove-accessibility/efcfolpjihicnikpmhnmphjhhpiclljc> free plugin for Chrome for checking and found the following resources useful (sourced from the amazing DIGITALACCESSIBILITYREGULATIONS at JISCMAIL.AC.UK at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/ which I believe is open to join).
https://www.lexdis.org.uk/digital-accessibility/ - they also have a quick checklist https://www.lexdis.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Quick-Accessibility-checks-Final-Sept19.docx
All the best
Caroline Checkley
Digital Systems and Services Librarian
Library Services
University of Essex
T 01206 873176
E checkc at essex.ac.uk
► library.essex.ac.uk<https://library.essex.ac.uk/>
From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org> On Behalf Of Heather Crozier
Sent: 17 March 2020 15:40
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Subject: [Eril-l] database accessibility
Hi all,
In order to help provide our staff some opportunities to work from home, I was hoping to pull together some kind of checklist or worksheet to have them evaluate database accessibility. It was a project I was planning to work on this summer.
Instead of recreating the wheel I thought I'd reach out and see if anyone already had anything that they are using and would be willing to share. If you do, please send it my way. Thank you!
Hope all of you are doing well!
Heather Crozier
Electronic Resources Librarian
Assistant Professor
Heterick Memorial Library
Ohio Northern University
Schedule an appointment<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fonu.libcal.com%2fappointments%2fcrozier&c=E,1,v5rPrLoBPkTT17xjERox3MK-lTy48OTJI2QsjLCI8hnmHxX20ASwi62wwEOo5En8CbQ05CNOliUiI1W-_tFlYIa5Nt22Q6XRBMzwSFE2sPA0zUceF8M,&typo=1>
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