[Eril-l] Job Posting: Technical Services Librarian-University of Idaho

Attebury, Rami (rattebur@uidaho.edu) rattebur at uidaho.edu
Mon Mar 9 08:42:28 PDT 2020


The University of Idaho Library seeks a Technical Services Librarian<https://uidaho.peopleadmin.com/postings/28488> for a tenure-track, 12-month appointment.

Position Description
The individual in this position will catalog materials, perform database maintenance, contribute to authority control, provide unit oversight, and participate in departmental decisions. This faculty member will support the faculty in other colleges by helping to provide and enhance access to the library resources that inform their research and instruction programs. Additionally, this faculty member will contribute expertise to help develop and support new campus initiatives. The faculty member will establish and maintain a productive research agenda, including publication and pursuit of external funding. The faculty member will participate in appropriate professional organizations. The faculty member will provide service and leadership by contributing expertise in information science to collaborative projects with members of the university community; participating in problem-solving and policy-making activities and committee work; sharing with library colleagues relevant information gained from professional activities; and using that knowledge to improve departmental operations.

Please review the posting details for additional information, including the pay range and qualifications. Apply by April 13, 2020 for first consideration: https://uidaho.peopleadmin.com/postings/28488.

About the University of Idaho Library
The University of Idaho Library has grown from a single classroom located in the University Administration Building in 1892, to become the largest library in the state of Idaho, housing well over a million books and subscribing to almost ten thousand periodicals, in print and online. As Idaho's flagship research library at a land-grant university, the University of Idaho Library connects our users with information, ideas, tools, and spaces; enriches formal and informal learning opportunities; supports and advances research, scholarly, and creative activity; builds partnerships through regional and national outreach; and preserves university, state, and regional historical archives.

About Moscow, ID
Surrounded by the rolling hills of the Palouse, Moscow, ID is consistently ranked as the number one place to raise a family<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/livability.com/top-10/families/10-best-places-to-raise-a-family/2018/id/moscow__;!MhfXWAnT7Wk!1Ws8W_VFUzm-LTnABQO-0I9GpatrdhUqAZLZJmqgal7FuzEtlHkePXagSGzCToahmw$> (two years in a row!) and one of the top 100 best places to live<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/livability.com/best-places/top-100-best-places-to-live/2019/id/moscow__;!MhfXWAnT7Wk!1Ws8W_VFUzm-LTnABQO-0I9GpatrdhUqAZLZJmqgal7FuzEtlHkePXagSGyaDKtWDw$>. Art galleries, movie theaters, coffee shops, and restaurants add to the excitement and charm of our small town. Moscow, ID is also home to a thriving Farmers Market<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/MoscowFarmersMarket/__;!MhfXWAnT7Wk!1Ws8W_VFUzm-LTnABQO-0I9GpatrdhUqAZLZJmqgal7FuzEtlHkePXagSGyGck9Kyg$>, a 63 acre Arboretum & Botanical Garden<https://www.uidaho.edu/infrastructure/facilities/arboretum/seasonal-attractions>, a local co-op, and some of the best brunch restaurants around. Regional airports in Moscow/Pullman<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.flypuw.com/__;!MhfXWAnT7Wk!1Ws8W_VFUzm-LTnABQO-0I9GpatrdhUqAZLZJmqgal7FuzEtlHkePXagSGzReGcE9Q$> and Lewiston, ID<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.golws.com/__;!MhfXWAnT7Wk!1Ws8W_VFUzm-LTnABQO-0I9GpatrdhUqAZLZJmqgal7FuzEtlHkePXagSGyLgqi9YA$>, as well as an international airport in Spokane, WA<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/spokaneairports.net/__;!MhfXWAnT7Wk!1Ws8W_VFUzm-LTnABQO-0I9GpatrdhUqAZLZJmqgal7FuzEtlHkePXagSGwRjgUasA$> (approx. 80 miles away, with daily shuttle service available<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/wheatlandexpress.com/spokane-airport-shuttle/__;!MhfXWAnT7Wk!1Ws8W_VFUzm-LTnABQO-0I9GpatrdhUqAZLZJmqgal7FuzEtlHkePXagSGwKRjnIfQ$>) make travel easier than anticipated.

Ramirose Attebury, MLIS/MA, PhD
Head, Technical Services/Associate Professor
Liaison to College of Business and Economics
FDLP Idaho Regional Coordinator
University of Idaho Library
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 2350
Moscow, ID 83844
rattebur at uidaho.edu<mailto:rattebur at uidaho.edu>

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