[Eril-l] EBSCO eBooks- has anyone disabled checkouts for ease of use?

Ray, Emily emily.ray at unf.edu
Wed Feb 19 07:43:05 PST 2020

Hi James,

I think "Allow Offline (Downlaod Checkout of 1B1U Titles set to "No." - will prevent a user from "downloading" the ebook and keeping everyone else from using it until the checkout period expires for 1 user ebooks.

I think "Allow Download Outside eBook Viewer" is that sometimes you can "download" ebscohost ebooks without the Adobe acrobat reader device- but I'm not entirely sure.

I usually check w/ ebsco support about what is possible with the settings, and I'm not 100% what I'm saying is accurate.

Emily Ray
Electronic Resources Librarian
Thomas G. Carpenter Library
University of North Florida
emily.ray at unf.edu<mailto:emily.ray at unf.edu>

From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org> On Behalf Of James C. Miller
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 10:31 AM
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Subject: [Eril-l] EBSCO eBooks- has anyone disabled checkouts for ease of use?

Hi ER folks,

A little background, I and most others (students/faculty) find the EBSCO eBook interface poor, confusing, and frustrating.

Instead of encouraging students to check out/download the entire eBook in EBSCO, I often tell users to just go through the table of contents and find what they need and download/print/save from there.

Recently a single use eBook was assigned to a class as a textbook. One of the students checked out the entire book so it was inaccessible to others. I realized this would not have happened if the book wasn't available to check out.

Can you set up EBSCO eBooks so that you can download sections via the table of contents only? I see a section in the admin back end that gives the option "Allow Download Outside eBook Viewer" YES or NO

Has anyone experimented with this? If I select NO, will users still be able to access sections of the book via the table of contents?


James Miller | Discovery & Sciences Liaison Librarian
Wyndham Robertson Library

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