[Eril-l] ALCTS webinar: Special Collections Cataloging: Maps

ALCTS-CE Announce alcts.ce.announce at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 04:27:00 PDT 2019

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ALCTS webinar: Special Collections Cataloging: Maps

Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2019

All webinars are one hour in length and begin at 11 AM Pacific, noon
Mountain, 1 PM Central, and 2 PM Eastern time.

Description: This webinar is intended for catalogers who have little or no
experience with rare and unique maps but who nonetheless find themselves
faced with a rare or unique map to catalog. The presenter will share
general principles, best practices, and tips for cataloging special
collections maps. At the end of the webinar, attendees should be able to
identify content standards and best practices used in special collections
map cataloging, understand how special collections map cataloging differs
from standard descriptive practice, identify research tools that aid in the
identification and description of special collections maps, and learn how
to create successful cataloging workflows for these unique materials. No
previous knowledge of map cataloging is necessary, although general
familiarity with the MARC record structure is helpful.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the webinar, the attendees should be able to:

● Identify content standards and best practices used in special collections
map cataloging, including: DCRM(C), RDA, the Getty Vocabularies, LCGFT, and
RBMS controlled vocabularies.

● Understand how special collections map cataloging differs from standard
descriptive practice

● Identify research tools that aid in the identification and description of
special collections maps

● Learn how to cultivate relationships with map librarians, archivists, and
special collections librarians as well as how to create successful
cataloging workflows.

Who should attend?

This webinar would be geared toward catalogers and metadata specialists
whose work includes special collections map cataloging, archivists, and map
librarians who are interested in learning standards and best practices for
describing unique and rare maps.


Carolyn Hansen is Head of Cataloging & Metadata Services at Stony Brook
University, where she is the primary cataloger of special collections maps.
She previously worked as Map Cataloger at the Brooklyn Historical Society
and has been cataloging special collections for twelve years.


Registration Fees: ALCTS Member $43 ; Non-member $59 ; Group rate $129

How to register:

Complete the individual webinar online registration form
(requires logging in). Sessions are listed by date.

For additional information, please go to the following website:



Contact us to register:

Call 1-800-545-2433 and press 5 to reach our customer service
representatives or

Register by mail
for the session you would like to attend. (If you receive an error message
after clicking the "register by mail" link, right-click the link and save
the form to your computer.)

ALCTS webinars are recorded and registrants receive a link to the recording
shortly following the live event.


For questions about registration, contact ALA Registration by calling
1-800-545-2433 and selecting 5 from the menu.  For all other questions or
comments related to the webinars, contact the ALCTS Office at
alctsce at ala.org.

Posted on behalf of the ALCTS Continuing Education Committee.
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