[Eril-l] FW: Planning for a year of displacement for renovation

Harper, Cynthia charper at vts.edu
Mon Oct 21 09:44:18 PDT 2019

Subject: Planning for a year of displacement for renovation

A request for information for sierra-l, atlantis, eril-l, etc.

Hi All -  We're a library for a stand-alone seminary for the Episcopal Church that grants MDivs, MAs, and DMins.  We have a collection of about 250,000 print volumes. We have about 360 FTEs, including 100 faculty and staff, and about  200 students.  We are in a fast-paced planning stage for a year of construction/renovation that will require moving everything out of the building (as far as I know), and providing services with a minimal print collection and beefed-up electronic collections.
We're starting with weeding now of course.

If you've been through a move like this, please give us some advice:

  *   Give us some idea of your timeline, especially if you had a fast-paced planning stage like ours.
  *   What lessons did you learn in your project?
  *   How big a print collection is necessary? What stats beyond the obvious help us to determine that?
  *   We plan to box most of our collection and have it inaccessible during the construction year.  What's the experience of those who have done that?
  *   We're looking into expanding electronic collections for the year. We have looked at the publisher mix that circulates in print, but I'm wondering whether we will be able to scale down our electronic money after construction is done - has anyone done that?
  *   Advice about working with moving companies?

All advice is welcome!


Cindy Harper
E-services and periodicals librarian
Virginia Theological Seminary
Bishop Payne Library, VTS Box 159
3737 Seminary Road
Alexandria VA 22304
charper at vts.edu<mailto:charper at vts.edu>

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