[Eril-l] Project Muse individual ebook titles and knowledge base collections

Kelly B. Swickard KBS at press.jhu.edu
Thu May 9 13:18:37 PDT 2019

Hello all

I am new to Project MUSE, in the new position of Metadata & Linked Data Strategist.  One of my duties is to work with our linking/discovery partners.  To clarify a little more on what Lisa Gonzalez stated: Project MUSE is now supplying a collection to EBSCO-EDS and OCLC named Project MUSE EBA all single titles.  This is a separate collection than the All E-books (this includes OA books and books only available in collections, not single title/EBA sales).  Additionally, there are individual book collections (for example 2016 History).  If you select the all EBA collection you may see metadata for items that are not in your EBA purchasing plan.  If you do not want to see those then do not select that collection.  You may upload your individual EBA collection records to your local catalog and we are more than happy to assist you with getting access to those records (MARC, KBART, or Excel).

Thank you all for your patience as we put this together.
Feel free to contact muse at press.jhu.edu<mailto:muse at press.jhu.edu> with questions

Best regards,

Kelly B. Swickard, MA, MLIS
Metadata & Linked Data Strategist
Project MUSE
The Johns Hopkins University Press
2715 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
Phone: 410-516-6966
Email: KBS at press.jhu.edu<mailto:KBS at press.jhu.edu>

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Message: 7

Date: Thu, 9 May 2019 11:02:22 -0700

From: Lisa Gonzalez <lgonzalez at palni.edu<mailto:lgonzalez at palni.edu>>

To: eril-l <eril-l at lists.eril-l.org<mailto:eril-l at lists.eril-l.org>>

Subject: Re: [Eril-l] Project Muse individual ebook titles and

                knowledge base collections?


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An update on Project Muse individual ebooks in OCLC's knowledge base. There is now a collection in Collection Manager called Project Muse All Ebooks, Collection ID Muse.allebooks, with 57,165 titles. This is more than the Project Muse EBA collection some libraries in my consortium have access to, but it appears to be all of the Project Muse ebooks available for individual sale. If you use Collection Manager to manage your title-by-title and EBA workflows, you'll need to decide on what workflow will work best for you based on one collection rather than also having a separate collection available for EBA, but at least there should now be regular updates on all title-by-title ebooks available on the Project Muse platform.

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 12:08 PM Melissa Belvadi <mbelvadi at upei.ca<mailto:mbelvadi at upei.ca>> wrote:

> EBSCO's EDS has a "package" called "Project MUSE eBooks" which has

> over > 54,000 titles. EDS librarian admins can selectively turn on specific

> titles, either manually or by uploading a tsv file appropriately formatted.

> We have the PM EBA but haven't used this package because we load all

> the records into our catalog, and they are both searchable and

> clickable from the "custom catalog" records in EDS that result from

> that. In EDS, adding a title to the knowledge base does not also add

> it to the discovery service search index. I don't know if that's true

> for the other discovery services, but I'd be interested to know

> because that is a frequent point of confusion for EDS librarians.

> We have gotten a spreadsheet from PM that I could with some minor

> effort load into EDS, but just haven't bothered because of the above

> custom catalog option.

> Melissa Belvadi

> Collections Librarian

> University of Prince Edward Island

> mbelvadi at upei.ca<mailto:mbelvadi at upei.ca>  902-566-0581

> On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 3:57 PM Lisa Gonzalez <lgonzalez at palni.edu<mailto:lgonzalez at palni.edu>> wrote:


>> Hello all,


>> I wanted to check and see if any library using Alma, Summon or EDS

>> has been using a knowledge base collection from Project Muse to

>> manage title-by-title ebook purchases from Project Muse, which are

>> available through GOBI and OASIS:

>> https://about.muse.jhu.edu/librarians/book-products/. We use OCLC's

>> knowledge base, and Project Muse provides knowledge base collections

>> for the annual and the subject collections, but have not provided a

>> title-by-title collection or an EBA collection. I had heard that

>> other platforms had received title-by-title knowledge base

>> collections from Project Muse, but I haven't been able to confirm

>> that. Can any library using a discovery system other than OCLC's

>> confirm that their system has a Project Muse knowledge base collection that includes all available ebooks?

>> Lisa Gonzalez | PALNI Knowledge Base and License Manager Librarian

>> Private Academic Library Network of Indiana

>> 317-550-5229 | lgonzalez at palni.edu<mailto:lgonzalez at palni.edu> | www.palni.edu<http://www.palni.edu>

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