[Eril-l] Negotiations with CAS

Wentz, Erin erin.wentz at mcphs.edu
Fri Jun 21 14:16:29 PDT 2019

Hello all,

A few months ago, I asked if anyone had successfully negotiated changes to the licensing agreement for CAS. I received a few responses and was able to find some examples of small tweaks online.

*         One person stated that they had successfully negotiated some changes "around 2016, maybe early 2017" at an institution that was not part of the Ivy League.

*         One person from a well-known private school stated that they had been able to add an addendum after a long period of negotiation.

*         Two institutions, one that I found online (University of Michigan<https://guides.lib.umich.edu/scifinder>) and another I exchanged emails with, were able to negotiate walk-in rights. When I spoke with our representative, our representative said that CAS only made exceptions in a small number of cases where state law required it. I suspect that our representative was referring to walk-in rights.

*         Two institutions I found online (Stonehill College<https://www.stonehill.edu/library/library-resources/journals/using-scifinder-scholar/> and San Francisco State University<https://library.sfsu.edu/scifinder-must-register-use-registration-please-click-blue-i-icon-right-side> ) mentioned shared subscriptions.

One group I spoke with was eager to form a coalition to negotiate changes.

Happy Friday,


From: Eril-l <eril-l-bounces at lists.eril-l.org> On Behalf Of Wentz, Erin
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 11:41 AM
To: eril-l at lists.eril-l.org
Subject: [Eril-l] Negotiations with CAS

Good morning, all,

Has anyone successfully negotiated a change to the licensing agreement with CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service)? If you were able to negotiate a change, I do not need to know what you were able to change. I am simply interested in knowing that you were able to negotiate a change. Please contact me off-list at erin.wentz at mcphs.edu<mailto:erin.wentz at mcphs.edu> . I can summarize for the group.

Thank you,


Erin Wentz
Electronic Resources Librarian, Assistant Professor
Library and Learning Resources
MCPHS University
179 Longwood Avenue | Boston MA 02115
erin.wentz at mcphs.edu<mailto:erin.wentz at mcphs.edu>

MCPHS University

Erin Wentz
Electronic Resources Librarian, Assistant Professor
Library and Learning Resources
MCPHS University
179 Longwood Avenue | Boston MA 02115
erin.wentz at mcphs.edu
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